bullying post 9/11
Since 9/11, the bullying of South Asian America, Muslim, and Sikh youth in schools has increased dramatically. Here are some resources for families and students to build understandings about Sikhism, Islam, and tolerance with youth.
Waking in Oak Creek documentary by Not in Our Town (Lesson plan)
Bully documentary
Resources for Teachers
Teaching Against Islamophobia edited by J. Kincheloe, S. Steinberg, and C. Stonebanks
Patriot Acts: Narratives of Post-9/11 Injustice edited by A. Malek (Lesson plan and free excerpts)
Educator Resources from the Sikh Coalition
In the Face of Xenophobia: Lessons to address bullying of South Asian American youth from South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT)
My Name is Bilal by A. Mobin-Uddin (picture book)
One Green Apple by E. Bunting (picture book)
Resources for Parents
Department of Justice bullying fact sheet in Punjabi
Informational Reports
"Go Home, Terrorist": A Report on Bullying Against Sikh American School Children by the Sikh Coalition
"Under Suspicion, Under Attack": Xenophobic Political Rhetoric and Hate Violence Against South Asian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Middle Eastern, and Arab Communities in the United States by SAALT.
Published Articles and Media
“Teaching Asian American Histories In and Beyond May.” AACTE Blog. (May 2024)
Reflections from Our CLA Early Career Award Recipients. Children’s Literature Assembly of NCTE. (May 2024)
Equity and Social Justice Series. Routledge. (April 2024)
“Teaching Asian American history to kids.” Stateside. Michigan Public Radio. (January 2024)
How to incorporate Asian American culture into elementary classrooms. Michigan State University College of Education (November 2023)
How to thwart an anti-equity agenda: Advice for teachers, administrators, and families. Education Week (April 2023)
“The case for anti-oppressive social studies in elementary school.” Harvard EdCast (November 2022)
“As schools become political battlegrounds, one educator sees room for hope.” CU Boulder Today (August 2022)
Anti-Asian American violence is still raging. AAPI teachers are trying to stop it in USA TODAY (March 2022)
Reenvisioning how U.S. textbooks tell South Asian stories in The Juggernaut (May 2021)
A Critical Discussion of Teaching Resources on TpT, Pinterest, Instagram and More (March 2021)
Post on Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center's Learning Together blog (July/August 2019)
HuffPost article by Frank Wu
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Recent News & Updates
Book tour dates coming soon! This spring/summer, I'll be presenting at:
- March 22-23: Michigan State University's Asian Pacific American Symposium (East Lansing, MI)
- April 6: CSU Sacramento's Multicultural Education conference (virtual panel)
- April: American Educational Research Association conference (Philadelphia, PA - multiple presentations)
- April 26: Association for Asian American Studies conference (Seattle, WA)
- May 16-18: Critical Inquiry in Social Studies conference (Denton, TX)
- May 30-31: Transformational Equity Experience (Centennial, CO)
- June: Social Studies Education Consortium conference (Morocco)
My most recent webinar, Teaching Asian American Narratives through Children's Literature sponsored by the 1990 Institute, can be viewed here.